Synonym: come on, come out, dig up, excavate, fold, fold up, locate, prove, show up, surface, turn out. Similar words: burn up, turn, turn on, turn to, return, turn in, turn off, turn out. Meaning: v. 1. appear or become visible; make a showing 2. bend or lay so that one part covers the other 3. discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining 4. be shown or be found to be 5. find by digging in the ground.

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61 Caldwell thought media coverage might turn up some leads.
62 These Seventies coup s turn up at auctions like bad teeth at an infant's school dental check.
63 That is being done, so many people may turn up on our doorsteps not with their tanks but with their suitcases.
64 We were advised by the ticket collector to catch an ordinary train, but the train didn't turn up.
65 I had no doubt they'd turn up within a short time, so I went off duty.
66 Turn up minor road for yds, then left through fate into field.
67 It's not fair on the people who turn up on time.
68 A friend failing to turn up for a date may reawaken deep-seated fears of abandonment.
69 And travelling maintenance crews may not turn up from one year to the next because of the immense areas they have to cover.
70 One late autumn afternoon Snowy failed to turn up for his meal[], so his master went out to look for him.
71 But the prince got cold feet and failed to turn up.
72 They proceed not to turn up on Monday, the next working day.
73 Interviews with people who profess to enjoy classical music turn up all sorts and conditions of appreciation.
74 They turn up regularly beneath large boulders on any stretch frequented by shore fishermen.
75 Classical music elders may turn up their noses, but so far,( the antics are working.
76 What if she changes her mind and doesn't turn up?
77 Martin's threatened to turn up for the wedding in his birthday suit.
78 A trip to Brussels to meet the responsible officials can turn up a mine of information.
79 The 86-year-old had to call an ambulance when her carer failed to turn up.
80 Even if she fails to turn up for her next set of lectures there is nothing we can do but not pay her.
81 The executive might turn up in trainers and the double glazing salesman in a suit.
82 Sexy young blond women, both committing adultery, turn up as victims early on.
83 Janine bought four cream cakes, but her friends didn't turn up for dinner so she ate the lot herself.
84 But a great many of them are deeply damaged and turn up in class with all kinds of emotional and behavioural disorders.
85 This was what they attended conference for, or at least why they bothered to turn up for the speeches.
86 An enterprise as vast as the education service is bound to turn up horror stories daily.
87 People who turn up in the middle of the night and try to break a girl's heart a second time.
88 Voice over Around 1,000 prospective buyers are likely to turn up for tomorrow's sale.
89 The rustling of packaging caused him to sigh and ask the computer to turn up the sound.
90 Carry on to Seacombe Cliff and turn up Seacombe Bottom until you see a stone marker on the left.
More similar words: burn up, turn, turn on, turn to, return, turn in, turn off, turn out, in turn, turn away, turn down, turn over, turn into, in return, take turns, furniture, in return for, button up, journal, burn out, burning, journalism, tournament, journalist, turkey, picture, feature, mixture, capture, disturb.